World Meditation Day

The world around us is a turbulent place, and it isn't easy to find a moment of peace during the day, but May 20th is World Meditation Day, and this is a call to participate in this age-old practice.

Let us take a moment to recognize to benefits of meditation on our health. Meditation has been scientifically proven to have positive mental and physical effects when practiced regularly. It is like the mental gym where we develop the muscles of focus and insight.

Some of the benefits of meditation include reducing anxiety, lowering blood pressure, calming the mind, and giving the body time to recover from periods of prolonged stress.

How do you meditate? Anyone can do it. Close your eyes. Focus on taking deep breaths and allow the mind to empty of thought. When thoughts pop up, acknowledge them and let them pass. Continue to breathe, and use the breath to deepen that sense of inner calm until you are ready to open your eyes and resume your day.

So, why not set a reminder to meditate once a day for the rest of the week. Remember, consistency counts. The more often we meditate, the easier it gets and the deeper the benefits.

Happy World Meditation Day, everyone.




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