Personal Training or Group Fitness Classes?

As seasoned fitness coaches, we have frequently been asked whether it is better to take group fitness classes or work with a personal trainer. There is no one right answer - the answer varies based on your fitness level and your goals.

Personal Training?

Working with one of our coaches (personal trainers) is beneficial if you are brand new to working out, experiencing pain with movement, recovering from an injury, or feeling like you have plateaued in your program. Starting with a one to one Fitness Assessment and a program design can ensure that you are exercising safely and effectively, and you have a well-balanced program for your goals. It can also be great for an amateur athlete or weekend warrior working towards specific performance goals.

We have a very talented and diverse staff. Our coaches can do more than simply show you the correct way to do a deadlift or a proper squat. They will motivate you and hold you accountable towards your goals. Personal training is not only for weight resistance work, it can also be for flexibility and recovery as well. Check out our staff here.

Lisa and Priest, the Studio Co-Founders and Owners, have a combined experience of almost fifty years and are Integrated Movement Specialists. They take a holistic approach with their clients. They focus on corrective exercise to reduce pain and increase core and functional strength so that you can move through the world and your lives more easily. They developed The Priestly Process which is incorporated in all of their nutritional and lifestyle coaching programs, either one to one or in a group setting. The process is based on the three circles of health: fitness, fuel, and focus. If you are looking for an integrated experience that takes a full picture approach, programs with Lisa and Priest are for you!

Group Fitness?

Large group fitness classes are good for your general health. Many group fitness classes like dance-based classes are great for cardiovascular health and some for strength. Generally, you will get a good workout, but not personalized input on your individual movement. Group fitness classes also offer a social aspect, so if you are a people person who likes working out with others, group fitness classes may be right for you.

We at the Studio offer a hybrid. It is called Shared Personal Training, where you get the best of both. The experience of a personal trainer that can modify the exercises for your movement as needed, with the social benefit of 2-4 people in the session with you. 

I hope this is helpful in deciding what works best for you. We look forward to seeing you in the Studio soon! 


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