Movement Meditation - When You Can’t Sit Still

When you picture meditation, you probably imagine a person sitting with their legs crossed and eyes closed. While this may be a “traditional” meditation pose, it is certainly not the only way to meditate. For some, the idea of sitting still with their eyes closed and trying to clear their mind may sound like a great way to start a nap! So if sitting still is not for you, or you’re afraid to try meditation because you’re afraid you’ll fall asleep, movement meditation may be the answer.

Meditating while moving doesn’t necessarily mean you need to do yoga. You certainly can use yoga for meditation, or other movement practices like tai chi. But movement meditation can be as simple as walking. If you want to giving walking meditation a shot, try this:

Start walking as slowly as possible, almost in slow motion. Inhale and slowly peel your right foot off the ground from heel to toe. As you exhale, replace the foot on the ground, again slowly, and starting with the toes. Most of us walk heel to toe, so starting your step with your toes will force you to focus and be aware of your feet. Continue the process as you walk, returning your breathing and pace to normal, but still starting with your toes when you lower your foot. If you notice your thoughts drifting as you walk, refocus your attention on the feel of your feet touching the earth. Bonus for movement meditation: you can work on your fitness along with your focus - a two for one!

Remember the purpose of meditation is to calm the mind by making space between yourself and your thoughts. There’s no wrong way to meditate - find what works best for you. Let us know if you give movement meditation a try and if it works for you!


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